The Dreams We Let Go Of


What dreams did you have as a kid?


When I was a kid, I wanted to be a singer and an actress, like Bette Midler, who I was obsessed with in 3rd and 4th grade!

In my teens, I wanted to be an action star, so I amended it to a “female Quentin Tarantino” since I decided the only way I’d get cast in movies was if I wrote, directed, choreographed the action and put myself in it. (I also figured I could do it with less of a creepy yellow fever undertone and far less cultural appropriation!)


But, in my 20s, I realized the only character I had ever really been interested in writing and playing was. . .ME, so I became a nonfiction writer, found object installation artist and philosophy theorist instead!!!


Now, in my 30s, I am training to become a Soul-based and Expressive Arts coach and Somatic Movement Educator. It feels like it’s been such a long journey, but the path of my heart was slowly unraveling in this direction all along. I can even write, direct and choreograph my own video collage essays for my dissertation inquiry into how the arts can enable a living expression of our whole selves and in preparation for my Tamalpa Institute Level 1 Weekend Training Final Self-Portrait Movement Ritual.

It reminds me that even the dreams we let go of can find new ways to recapture our souls if we listen.

And yesterday, I received this beautiful postcard of encouragement in this process from someone I’m so honored to call a mentor, teacher and friend, Annemiek Van Helsdingen, the Founder of The Academy for Soul-based Coaching. Such a timely reminder to “follow your heart, it knows the way”—always!

Follow Your Heart.jpeg

What is your heart saying to you? If you’d like to explore how to listen and recapture your childhood dreams and/or work with your inner child, let’s set up a Soul-based Coaching exploratory session and see if this work is right for you.

Kelsay Elizabeth Myers

Kelsay is a Transformative Coach and Somatic-based Expressive Arts Practitioner working along the edges of the mythic self, trauma resolution and compassionate change. If you’re holding back in any area of your life, she offers cutting edge personal empowerment programs and courses through her online business, Dialogical Persona Healing Arts, where she provides a portal for you to experience a profound journey of self-discovery. Her work focuses on inner healing, wholeness and the embodiment of dialogues between different facets of the self using creative practices like mindfulness, drawing, self-reflective writing, freeform dance and intuitive movement, performance ritual, and found objects to help you change, grow and transform your life for a deeper sense of purpose.

Confronting Love: Freeing the Dancer Within Performance


Who Are You Becoming?