Art, for me, is about the acts of seeing and being seen; that feeling that you have to share the beautiful, or the true self, with someone else. I look at myself, humanity and the world, and try to create something beautiful from the composition, and sometimes, from the wreckage. I also take that wreckage: what’s frightening, fragmented, broken, abused and overlooked and shine the light on it. While that light contains beauty, I also hope it contains what is real.
My art used to be an aesthetic blitzkrieg. I saw myself as a mythic bird standing amidst an explosion of words, images, symbols, ideas and colors swirling up around me, and I was constantly reaching and struggling to grasp onto something concrete. As a Korean adoptee who grew up without any genetic mirrors, I decided to create them using those words, images, ideas and symbols and refashioning them into self personas to explore the questions: Who am I? and Where do I belong? I use found object installations, performance rituals and mixed media self-portraits to continue to explore the many facets of myself as I live and study my own life/art process.
One of my mentors told me that my work now contains all the mythic-ness of self persona that it used to, without the heart-wrenching quality. There’s more healing.
I can see my whole self, accept all of it, and I’ve now integrated many of those pieces that used to feel so fragmented and overlooked. I’m still enthralled with the mythic-ness of living my own life/art process, and I know myself well enough to know I will continue to keep reaching towards new words, images, symbols, ideas and colors that capture the beauty and meaning in my bowler hat persona as I live my inquiry of becoming and creating myself and art anew.
I’ve been called a mixed media writer; sometimes lyric, sometimes hybrid, always across and to cross lines of form and genre. I use any and all means of self-creation and self-expression to service my work, including ones that take me away from the page and into my body, or an art installation, or a video essay.
I think of my writing like this: I write from the ground up, every project a Gothic cathedral. I used to walk by old Gothic buildings on the streets of Budapest; the graffiti on the sides a marker of social progress, but the highest arches still ornate, mythic and reaching.
And that is poetry. The poet is the mythic self within me, and the essayist the observer of places, of people and stories. . .lights, camera, archetype!
It’s faces I remember, fondly, that taught me how to walk, what to wear, how to live and who to love, even if separated by a silent gray skein or black theater.
Come into my presence as an act. Come into my presence, you are not a stranger.
Is looking inside another’s face looking away from our own truth or staring at a revelation? Is it less real to cry at the grief and loss in a work of fiction than it is to cry at the loss and grief in our own life?
Façade | facade
Come into my presence.
You can learn more about my art, writing and professional work on my Curriculum Vitae.
The book, I Love You Because / I Love Me Because: Courageous Stories Expanding The Word Love is a one of a kind collaboration already debuting as an Amazon Bestseller!
It is an interactive space to share experiences and thoughts on what this word LOVE means. The intention is to go beyond the surface and explore its true meaning from an individual perspective.
We created a coffee table style book based off of this topic, and it was born from the curiosity of the word and how we each internalize the meaning differently. Our individual stories affect how we see and feel LOVE! I’m so excited about my two video essays forthcoming in this multimedia book that opens two ways and tells stories of love through photography, visual art and writing.
ALL PROCEEDS GO TO SUPPORT 100 CAMERAS - A program that equips underserved youth worldwide with tools to process and tell their experiences through photography and storytelling.
You can participate in the Love Movement by purchasing our book and by joining our community. It is a space to share your own insights, stories and bring us all to a higher level of acceptance and understanding as we connect and build a stronger foundation in our FaceBook Group.
This LOVE movement is all about promoting more joy and happiness throughout the world.
I Love You Because/I Love Me Because
Invisible No More: Stepping Into the Spotlight
An Amazon International bestseller about saying “no more” to all of the circumstances that keep us small. These 17 incredible authors all have various perspectives and stories to share and enhance what invisibility means to them, why it has been a part of their journey and how the concept of the spotlight has existed in their lives for a while or entered into their story more recently. The intention is for the reader to enjoy and remember that you are a powerful human. Your words, perspectives, and experiences matter. Step into the light, own it, and let it soak into your being. It feels so good and will create growth beyond your wildest imagination.
My chapter called “Bold Strokes” shares my journey through Expressive Arts, and how I’ve arrived at a place where I feel free to be all of myself. . .in bold strokes.
I use two self-portraits from my experiences training in the Tamalpa Institute Life/Art Process to reflect on my younger years living my life as an object.
It’s the story of how I have come to reclaim my voice—not just on the page, but as a wholly integrated and empowered woman stepping into the spotlight.
This book is available for purchase on Kindle for only $0.99 and in paperback for $2.85! All proceeds go to World Central Kitchen, a nonprofit where chefs prepare meals to be delivered to Ukraine.
More Voices: A Collection of Works from Asian Adoptees
Twelve years after Voices From Another Place was published in 1999 to give voice to the first generation of Korean adoptees, it’s time to hear again from Asian adoptees.
In this anthology, you’ll find prose, poetry, art, nonfiction and other creative contributions about the international adoption experience by adult Asian adoptees.
My essay, “The Yin Yang: Dialectical Symbolism,” was published among many others in this momentous anthology edited by Susan Soonkeum Cox and premiering at the Holt International 55th Anniversary Forum in 2011.