Embodying Stories:

A FREE monthly workshop series on Zoom

Stories are interwoven into our experience of life: they are how we come to know ourselves and to know others, and they are also how others come to know us in turn. Joan Didion said: “We tell ourselves stories in order to live.”

We also tell ourselves stories in order to express what needs to be shared. Rather than suppressing, bypassing or turning away from what is real and present, our emotions, thoughts and values are a part of what it means to be human. Only in allowing ourselves to hold all of these and connect them in our bodies can we become free to express all of ourselves with new stories that move us into a future we want to belong to.


The first workshop in Embodying Stories will be focused on giving shapes to GRIEF. If you are experiencing the loss of a loved one, precious animal companion, or grief over the current state of our world, this workshop is for you. I will offer some tools to help you hold and express your grief, so that you can become more fierce in who you are and what you stand for in the world.


ANGER will be explored in a brave container to share experiences of this strong emotion. I’ll offer some tools to help hold and express your anger, so that you can become more clear and heartfelt in the way you relate to your anger. We’ll focus on how anger shows up in our hearts and our hands, as well as how stories of anger can be enlivening and create solidarity, show us when to move in other directions, or when to tear down or deconstruct what’s no longer serving us.


As we begin a new year, the holiday celebrations wind down, and the gray winter sets in, HOPE can be something that is harder to find. In this workshop, we’ll be exploring mindset shifts with intention. I’ll guide you in creating your own inner compass to carry you forward. We’ll also be re-looking at our values and beliefs to begin embodying more wholeness, fullness and hopefulness for the coming year.


February is a time for love, celebration, intimacy and the way we relate to other people. It can bring up a lot of feelings for people in relationships and without. My take on it is to embrace love in all of its forms, especially SELF-LOVE. It provides an opportunity to explore our values and beliefs about love, self-worth and romance in order to create and deepen our interconnectedness with all things: the self, others, nature and our social world.


Like anger, POWER is a concept that has a lot of charge and edge around it. It can mean many different things, and the way we respond to it can take many different shapes. In this workshop, we’ll explore the connection between power and recognition. What expressions do various dialogues between these bring up for you? What does leadership mean to you and how can you bring it into more embodiment? If you know you can step into more power within your own leadership style, you won’t want to miss this!


If you don’t observe Easter Sunday, or want a creative way to celebrate it, join me for my Easter Sunday exploration of inner and outer PEACE. In this workshop, I’ll guide you inwards to allow your inner sanctuary to reveal its shapes, size and colors to you. We’ll bring this inner sanctuary into expression through visualization, drawing and writing and give time to just be with what arises silently and in circle together. This will be time to slow down and connect with your inner self.

Watch some videos to learn more about why I’m offering these workshops.

As my Embodying Stories offerings have been growing, I’ve had interest in doing them as large-scale workshops.

If you have a community and are interested in hosting or sponsoring a 3 hour in-person workshop on any of these topics, let’s talk!