Upcoming Classes, Workshops & Events


March 16

I’m offering a FREE monthly workshop series on the third Sunday of the month called Embodying Stories. This month is about POWER, and it will take place March 16 from 3-4:30 PM Pacific time on Zoom.

Like anger, POWER is a concept that has a lot of charge and edge around it. It can mean many different things, and the way we respond to it can take many different shapes. In this workshop, we’ll explore the connection between power and recognition. What expressions do various dialogues between these bring up for you? What does leadership mean to you and how can you bring it into more embodiment? If you know you can step into more power within your own leadership style, you won’t want to miss this!

Stories are interwoven into our experience of life: they are how we come to know ourselves and to know others, and they are also how others come to know us in turn. Joan Didion said: “We tell ourselves stories in order to live.”

We also tell ourselves stories in order to express what needs to be shared. Rather than suppressing, bypassing or turning away from what is real and present, our emotions, thoughts and values are a part of what it means to be human. Only in allowing ourselves to hold all of these and connect them in our bodies can we become free to express all of ourselves with new stories that move us into a future we want to belong to.

April 20

I’m offering a FREE monthly workshop series on the third Sunday of the month called Embodying Stories. This month is about PEACE, and it will take place April 20 from 3-4:30 PM Pacific time on Zoom.

If you don’t observe Easter Sunday, or want a creative way to celebrate it, join me for my Easter Sunday exploration of inner and outer PEACE. In this workshop, I’ll guide you inwards to allow your inner sanctuary to reveal its shapes, size and colors to you. We’ll bring this inner sanctuary into expression through visualization, drawing and writing and give time to just be with what arises silently and in circle together. This will be time to slow down and connect with your inner self.

Stories are interwoven into our experience of life: they are how we come to know ourselves and to know others, and they are also how others come to know us in turn. Joan Didion said: “We tell ourselves stories in order to live.”

We also tell ourselves stories in order to express what needs to be shared. Rather than suppressing, bypassing or turning away from what is real and present, our emotions, thoughts and values are a part of what it means to be human. Only in allowing ourselves to hold all of these and connect them in our bodies can we become free to express all of ourselves with new stories that move us into a future we want to belong to.

May 18

I’m offering a FREE monthly workshop series on the third Sunday of the month called Embodying Stories. This month is about PATIENCE, and it will take place May 18 from 3-4:30 PM Pacific time on Zoom.

Do you allow yourself time to breathe and to bring compassion and presence into your daily life?

Building off the peace we cultivated last month, we’ll be exploring how patience can help you stay present in the moment with grace and empathy rather than flying through your life without paying attention to what is right in front of you or getting carried away by anxious thoughts.

Take a moment to slow down and allow yourself the gift of expanding into patience.

June 15

I’m offering a FREE monthly workshop series on the third Sunday of the month called Embodying Stories. This month is about STRENGTH, and it will take place June 15 from 3-4:30 PM Pacific time on Zoom.

On Father’s Day, if you are unable to celebrate with your father, come remember and reconnect to the strength, solidarity and solace a light masculine energy can offer.

What are your stories of strength?

How do you define solidarity?

Can you create solace within yourself and provide it for others?

In this workshop, we’ll build on the wisdom in our inner shapes of strength to provide a place of refuge for ourselves that we can offer out in the world.

Kelsay speaking at Casa Sagrada as part of Awakened Business School January 2025

July 8

I’ll be giving a 15 minute talk called “Transformational Stories: How to Speak with Innovation and Impact” for the Networking Entrepreneurial Women of Marin at the dinner meeting on Tuesday, July 8, from 6-8:30 PM at the Left Bank in downtown Larkspur, CA.

As the new Speaker Coach and Coordinator, I will share some tips for speaking with vulnerability, compassion and impact using current trauma-informed strategies for deeper connection with your audience and greater authenticity in your messaging.

There’s so much confusion out there about what it means to be trauma-informed these days and how to give an effective speech. I will focus on the best practices for allowing people to feel seen, empowered and inspired by your content, presence and ability. I will also share how to navigate or choose effectively between being open, vulnerable and compassionate and bold, edgy or confrontational.

July 20

I’m offering a FREE monthly workshop series on the third Sunday of the month called Embodying Stories. This month is about RESILIENCE, and it will take place July 20 from 3-4:30 PM Pacific time on Zoom.

Our times call for resilience, resolve and renewal.

At the peak of summer in the Northern hemisphere, things are being scorched to rise anew from the ashes. What are you committed to bringing into the world now?

Are you committed to nurturing resilience within yourself?

Do you have the adaptability to ride the waves of transformation?

Do you have the resolve to take action on what you’re committed to?

This workshop will use the arts to anchor and enact a new vision or growth you want to navigate with resilience.

August 17

I’m offering a FREE monthly workshop series on the third Sunday of the month called Embodying Stories. This month is about WONDER, and it will take place August 17 from 3-4:30 PM Pacific time on Zoom.

Have you lost a sense of wonder or that playful curiosity and exploration that came so naturally when you were young?

If you feel that youthful creative energy and freedom to experiment without judgment, or express yourself fully has become closed or prone to evaluation and critique over time, come have fun in this workshop!

Stories are interwoven into our experience of life: they are how we come to know ourselves and to know others, and they are also how others come to know us in turn. Joan Didion said: “We tell ourselves stories in order to live.”

We also tell ourselves stories in order to express what needs to be shared. This month, we will hold space to remember our beginnings, recapture that beginner’s mind and play with the stories of our lives in wonder.

September 21

I’m offering a FREE monthly workshop series on the third Sunday of the month called Embodying Stories. This month is about HARVESTS, and it will take place September 21 from 3-4:30 PM Pacific time on Zoom.

On the first day of Fall, we’ll explore your stories of harvesting.

What is being harvested within, and also around, you?

Bountiful transformations, abundance of resources, the fruits of your hard work are coming home to you as we move into a new season.

What sacred stories of new growth have been created this year?

In what ways are you reaping rewards and celebrating all that you’ve tended to in 2025?

What would you like to plant in this final season of the year?

Let’s share our stories of harvesting, transformation and growth in shapes, gestures and movements..

October 19

I’m offering a FREE monthly workshop series on the third Sunday of the month called Embodying Stories. This month is about SHADOWS, and it will take place October 19 from 3-4:30 PM Pacific time on Zoom.

Are you ready to confront and move your shadows?

What are you imagining within your mind’s eye?

We all have inner fears, blocks and sometimes conflicting voices or parts within that need to be released, integrated or completed. In this workshop, we’ll choose one shadow to confront, release and change through movement, writing and drawing centered on its story in our heads. We’ll move with the head and let it lead us through our space, giving expression to what is happening inside.

Using the waning crescent leading up to the New Moon, we’ll bravely encounter what is coming up to be faced within us.

Please sign up for my monthly newsletter to find out first about any new offerings, special promotions & events!


Past Classes, Workshops & Events


January 19

I’m offering a FREE monthly workshop series on the third Sunday of the month called Embodying Stories. This month is about HOPE, and it will take place January 19 from 3-4:30 PM Pacific time on Zoom.

As we begin a new year, the holiday celebrations wind down, and the gray winter sets in, hope can be something that is harder to find. In this workshop, we’ll be exploring mindset shifts with intention. I’ll guide you in creating your own inner compass to carry you forward. We’ll also be re-looking at our values and beliefs to begin embodying more wholeness, fullness and hopefulness for the coming year.

Stories are interwoven into our experience of life: they are how we come to know ourselves and to know others, and they are also how others come to know us in turn. Joan Didion said: “We tell ourselves stories in order to live.”

We also tell ourselves stories in order to express what needs to be shared. Rather than suppressing, bypassing or turning away from what is real and present, our emotions, thoughts and values are a part of what it means to be human. Only in allowing ourselves to hold all of these and connect them in our bodies can we become free to express all of ourselves with new stories that move us into a future we want to belong to.

February 16

I’m offering a FREE monthly workshop series on the third Sunday of the month called Embodying Stories. This month is about SELF-LOVE, and it will take place February 16 from 3-4:30 PM Pacific time on Zoom.

February is a time for love, celebration, intimacy and the way we relate to other people. It can bring up a lot of feelings for people in relationships and without. My take on it is to embrace love in all of its forms, especially SELF-LOVE. It provides an opportunity to explore our values and beliefs about love, self-worth and romance in order to create and deepen our interconnectedness with all things: the self, others, nature and our social world.

Stories are interwoven into our experience of life: they are how we come to know ourselves and to know others, and they are also how others come to know us in turn. Joan Didion said: “We tell ourselves stories in order to live.”

We also tell ourselves stories in order to express what needs to be shared. Rather than suppressing, bypassing or turning away from what is real and present, our emotions, thoughts and values are a part of what it means to be human. Only in allowing ourselves to hold all of these and connect them in our bodies can we become free to express all of ourselves with new stories that move us into a future we want to belong to.