Reiki Initiation

Have you felt depressed, lethargic, weighed down or so exhausted it was like you were completely depleted of energy?

Butterfly in the Distance, 2017 | Walnut Creek, CA

Butterfly in the Distance, 2017 | Walnut Creek, CA

I felt that way for sixteen years—unmotivated, heavy, stuck, constantly drained and still striving. I was functional enough to take teaching jobs, socialize with friends, carry on an intelligent conversation and work on my doctoral studies, but the jobs and education dragged and were met with differing levels of completion, success and failure due to a pall that had cast over me in my twenties and early thirties.

I hadn’t realized the extent of that lingering pall on my life and in my relationships. I had forgotten that trauma and depression were not my natural way of being. I had forgotten there was a time it didn’t take so much effort to do simple things and be a part of the world until my Reiki initiation.

It was as though a veil lifted, and I felt the focus, drive, energy, motivation and possibility I had known before the bouts of depression that began when I was 19. Now I remember and feel that enthusiasm, inspiration and ease in life again! Reiki is like an activation or reset to my entire system.


I had forgotten there was a time it didn’t take so much effort to do simple things and be a part of the world. Now I remember and feel that enthusiasm, inspiration and ease in life again . . . Reiki is like an activation or reset to my entire system.


Since I began giving and receiving Reiki, I’ve needed less sleep, less caffeine and less meat. A sense of motivation, caring and engagement in the world and in my daily tasks underlies my actions again. What is most exciting about it is that I know Reiki only allows what the body is ready for and what is meant to heal. Reiki will not interfere with karma or remove lessons you’re meant to learn in your life. It’s not a bypass or a cure. I’ve spent all of those sixteen years doing the self-work, therapies, coaching, self-inquiry, mindfulness, trauma healing, research and embodiment that got me to the point of being ready to let go of the depressed state I was in and be in this beautiful flow of life-force energy. I received the call to Reiki, and I was ready!


Are you ready to uncover the healing within your own body and learn what possibilities exist in your beautiful life-force energy?


Please keep in mind that this is my own personal experience with Reiki energy work. While Reiki has been known to alleviate symptoms of depression, there are many different kinds of depression and traumas, and you are your own beautiful and unique being.

You can learn more about my approach to Reiki here!


And, if you’re ready to experience Reiki for yourself, please book an appointment with me!

Kelsay Elizabeth Myers

Kelsay is a Transformative Coach and Somatic-based Expressive Arts Practitioner working along the edges of the mythic self, trauma resolution and compassionate change. If you’re holding back in any area of your life, she offers cutting edge personal empowerment programs and courses through her online business, Dialogical Persona Healing Arts, where she provides a portal for you to experience a profound journey of self-discovery. Her work focuses on inner healing, wholeness and the embodiment of dialogues between different facets of the self using creative practices like mindfulness, drawing, self-reflective writing, freeform dance and intuitive movement, performance ritual, and found objects to help you change, grow and transform your life for a deeper sense of purpose.

Playing with Persona


The Healing Place of Metaphors