Words of Wisdom—The Year of the Wood Dragon Collection


In a wood dragon year, you can expect growth, vitality and a blossoming of wisdom. . .


In honor of this Seollal being a Green Wood Dragon year, I’ve created a few Words of Wisdom to celebrate the dragon’s energy.

Dragons represent many things: strength, power, fiery spirit, the element of fire, ancient wisdom, good fortune, imagination.

The wood element is about transformation and spirituality. Wood is a necessary resource for fire, so the elements of a wood dragon year create a relationship of blossoming, growth and radiation.

I am hopeful about the ways we can collectively use the ferocity and the blossoming this year as we continue to witness heartbreaking wars and relentless human atrocities.

Personally, I have a green dragon as a spirit guide and have my own shapeshifter half dragon guardian in my soul. My Chinese astrology is a Wood Rat, which is in the same trine as the Dragon, and I have felt a special affinity to dragons since I was a child watching Puff the Magic Dragon and sobbing my heart out every single time. I still do.

It’s auspicious as this Green Dragon year will be the year I turn 40, and I am already getting in touch with what makes my dragon heart and soul fierce, especially in its sobbing. Blossoming and growing with and in the midst of grief and sadness, staying in my own fierce hope for humanity, radiating my own power from within — these are ways that I tend to nurture my own soulful transformation, empowerment and connect with the dragon heart.

How does the dragon show up for you?

What are the moments that connect you to your own fierce heart?

Kelsay Elizabeth Myers

Kelsay is a Transformative Coach and Somatic-based Expressive Arts Practitioner working along the edges of the mythic self, trauma resolution and compassionate change. If you’re holding back in any area of your life, she offers cutting edge personal empowerment programs and courses through her online business, Dialogical Persona Healing Arts, where she provides a portal for you to experience a profound journey of self-discovery. Her work focuses on inner healing, wholeness and the embodiment of dialogues between different facets of the self using creative practices like mindfulness, drawing, self-reflective writing, freeform dance and intuitive movement, performance ritual, and found objects to help you change, grow and transform your life for a deeper sense of purpose.


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