Client Spotlight Series: Nancy Guerrera

“Kelsay’s support in Soul-based Coaching sessions helped me connect more deeply with and clarify my inner vision of what I truly wanted to do with my creative urges and desires. The process was both gentle and bold. I appreciated her deeply kind and skillful presence that guided and affirmed and held space for me as I unraveled and explored. I also came away with a subtle but more indelible feeling of confidence and awareness that these visions can and would be able to come to fruition. My own images and metaphors have stayed with me in ways that still connect me back into that feeling of support and possibility that tips more toward probability than fear. They have been an enduring part of my artistic creative development.”


I have found art to be a home for my wholeness, and I believe, like so many others, that it is a healing space with profound gifts to offer.

I attached a photo of a work in progress for a small body of work I’ve just begun playing around with that I’ve entitled “The Goddess Goes Home.” It feels significant to me to share work in progress sometimes instead of “completed” work because I am enamored with seeing people’s processes. I’m beginning to use some images of my own body in my work and incorporating some figurative elements which is both tender and new. So this piece is part of that body of work that explores an overlap between me feeling at home in my body and my sense of “home” which is something I have struggled with my whole life. And specifically with my ancestral reconnection to my paternal grandmother and her history. She died before I was born, but I know she came to the US after marrying my Grandfather (who had already been in the US for quite a while) and after some time she expressed that she wanted to go back to Palermo, but they did not. I also read a story about a statue that was obtained illegally from central Sicily and then was returned and something about all of that just seemed resonant for me to explore with images.

And you can see more of Nancy’s incredible artwork on her website and Instagram!


Nancy’s message about showing works-in-progress and allowing your process to be witnessed resonates with me this month as well. It’s one of my favorite things about doing this work, and I’m inspired to share that I’ve been struggling in my own process to move forward on the requirements to finish my Dissertation Proposal and move to candidacy and complete the requirements for my own Certification in Soul-based Coaching, but I’m also feeling the drive towards completion of everything I began in 2019, and these things are among them. I will keep you posted on my process.

If you are a current or former client that would like to be featured in this series, please send me an email, and we will set it up! I love hearing about what you are up to.

Kelsay Elizabeth Myers

Kelsay is a Transformative Coach and Somatic-based Expressive Arts Practitioner working along the edges of the mythic self, trauma resolution and compassionate change. If you’re holding back in any area of your life, she offers cutting edge personal empowerment programs and courses through her online business, Dialogical Persona Healing Arts, where she provides a portal for you to experience a profound journey of self-discovery. Her work focuses on inner healing, wholeness and the embodiment of dialogues between different facets of the self using creative practices like mindfulness, drawing, self-reflective writing, freeform dance and intuitive movement, performance ritual, and found objects to help you change, grow and transform your life for a deeper sense of purpose.

Client Spotlight Series: Creative Wellness Coach, Leela Davis


Words of Wisdom—The Ferocious Collection